Are you worried about unplanned pregnancy?
Are you worried about unplanned pregnancy?
Do you wish you never had to mess with condoms again?
Do you wish you never had to mess with condoms again?

Discover the Advantages of No-Needle, No-Scalpel Vasectomy
Discover the Advantages of No-Needle, No-Scalpel Vasectomy
If you’re considering a vasectomy as a reliable birth control option, you may have heard about the innovative no-needle, no-scalpel vasectomy method. This modern approach to vasectomy offers numerous benefits compared to conventional methods. We understand that making this decision requires careful consideration, so let us guide you through the key aspects to help you make an informed choice.
Vs. Conventional Vasectomy: A Painless Alternative
Vs. Conventional Vasectomy: A Painless Alternative
The primary distinction between no-scalpel and conventional vasectomy lies in how the surgeon accesses the vas deferens, the ducts carrying sperm from the testicles. While a conventional procedure involves making incisions on each side of the scrotum, the no-scalpel method uses a clamp to hold the vas deferens from outside the scrotum. The no-scalpel approach boasts several advantages, including fewer infections, hematomas, and complications, making it a faster, suture-free, and less painful option.
Have a light breakfast or lunch, as we consider this a minimally invasive procedure. Arrive with someone to drive you home comfortably. During the procedure, I will apply local anesthesia and make a small opening at the top of the scrotum.
Then, I will gently locate and divide the vasa deferentia using an electrocautery tool. Clips will be placed on the vasa, and no stitches are required. We will apply a bandage over the area and advise wearing supportive underwear, a jock strap, or similar support for added comfort during your recovery.
Following your vasectomy, head home and place an ice pack over your underwear to minimize swelling until bedtime.
For any discomfort, feel free to use Tylenol, Motrin, or Ibuprofen as needed.
Rest is crucial, so avoid driving and engaging in heavy lifting, straining, exercise, or sexual activity for at least one week.
It’s important to continue using birth control until we have confirmed your sperm count is zero, typically within three months post-procedure.
There are two ways to check: you can purchase a convenient kit, submit it to your insurance for partial reimbursement, and receive the report via email, or you can bring a semen sample in a cup provided by us for testing.